The Academic’s Little Helper

Suitable for doctoral students and early career researchers, this book is a manual for creating clarity and coherence in academic writing. This short, concise text has been frequently set by university faculty as required reading for their doctoral students.

With forewords by Professor Emeritus Thom O’Guinn and Professor Alan Sawyer, this little booklet guides you, with simplicity and ease, through some fundamental technical aspects of writing.

Book cover for The Academic's Little Helper

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What Some Have Said About the Book

  • I felt like I uncovered buried treasure in my own office. Again, thank you so much for the treasure. I intend to begin by giving a copy of your book to all my doctoral students!

    Professor Christine Oliver, York University

  • I came across this booklet while working on my PhD, and this resource turned out to be extremely valuable. As a non-native English speaker transitioning from the industry to academia, this booklet was a lifesaver. It helped me quickly grasp the essential rules of academic writing.

    Professor Sylvie Borau, Toulouse Business School

  • Some months ago you sent me your booklet "The Academic's Little Helper," which I appreciated very much. It would be good for my doctoral students to read your guide. I wonder if you could send to me more copies of the booklet.

    Professor Joaquim Vergés-Jaime, UAB, Barcelona

  • I am quite impressed with the manner in which you provide practical advise in a succinct fashion.

    Teri Moser Woo, Director of Nursing, Saint Martin's University

Set by Professors for Doctoral Students Around the World

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